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BMDRC and JBF have signed an MOU.
2023.08.14 10:37

On July 20th, BMDRC entered into a collaborative research cooperation agreement with the Natural Resources Research Center at Jeonnam Bioindustry Promotion Institute.

The agreement ceremony took place at the Natural Resources Research Center of the Jeonnam Bio Foundation, with BMDRC being represented by Director No Kyung-tai, Deputy Director Cho Gwang-hwi, and relevant researchers in attendance. From the Jeonnam Bio Foundation, numerous individuals including Center Director Lee Hak-seong participated in the event.

Director No Kyung-tai expressed, "There is significant anticipation for sharing research information necessary for the industrialization of natural resources, as well as for the establishment and activation of a platform based on natural material resources and joint utilization of infrastructure."

Center Director Lee Hak-seong stated, "There is a high potential for leveraging the platform based on natural material resources in diverse ways to advance business models and commercialization in multiple directions."